Lighthouses Archive

Stage Harbor Lighthouse

SOLD! The original watercolor painting was sold for $650.00. OPEN EDITION PRINTS (unsigned/unnumbered) are ($10.00-$20.00) each. Also known as Harding’s Beach Lighthouse, the Stage Harbor Lighthouse is one of the most noticeable landmarks in this area. It is the youngest lighthouse on Cape Cod and was built in 1880. For centuries, it has provided navigational aid to all sailors, and it has become one of the scenes that everyone wants to visit when they come to this area. If you are wondering why it is always associated with the history of Cape Code, it is because almost everything that has been developed in this area has a direct relation to it.

Portland Head Lighthouse

SOLD! - The original painting was sold to a Millersville University of Pennsylvania Professor for $450.00. PRINT: OPEN EDITION PRINTS (unsigned/unnumbered) are $10.00 - $15.00 each.The Portland Head Lighthouse, located at Cape Elizabeth in Portland, is Maine’s oldest lighthouse. The lightkeeper’s former house is now the home of an award-winning museum with numerous fascinating displays and lighthouse lenses. In the 1980s, when I was touring New England, I saw this lighthouse.

Buy Cape May Lighthouse Now

Cape May Lighthouse

SOLD! THE ORIGINAL PAINTING WAS SOLD TO WATERFORD MANAGEMENT, LLC . FOR $450.00. - PRINTS - The approximate print image size is 10-3/4" x 14-1/2". ARTIST'S PROOF PRINTS are $25.00 each - Very low inventory, near retirement! SIGNED AND NUMBERED PRINTS are $20.00 each, and OPEN EDITION PRINTS (unsigned/unnumbered) are $10.00-$15.00 each. I remember visiting the Cape May Lighthouse in Cape May, New Jersey, as far back as 1960. I rode my bike to the lighthouse and the 'Sunken Ship'.

Buy Brant Point Lighthouse Now

Brant Point Lighthouse

SOLD! The original watercolor was sold to Waterford Management, LLC for $450.00. PRINTS - The approximate print image size is 10-1/2" x 14-1/2". PRINTS - ARTIST'S PROOF PRINTS are $25.00 each - Very low inventory, edition near retirement! SIGNED AND NUMBERED PRINTS are $20.00 each, and OPEN EDITION PRINTS (unsigned/unnumbered) are $10.00-$15.00 each. First erected in 1746, the Brant Point Light is America’s second-oldest lighthouse. The Brant Point Lighthouse is only 26 feet tall, making it the shortest lighthouse in all of New England! I remember first seeing this lighthouse when I stepped off the boat from Cape Cop to Nantucket, and the 'Kennedy Compound' is near the lighthouse.